"One of the greatest things in human life is the ability to make plans. Even if they never come true - the joy of anticipation is irrevocably yours. That way one can live many more than just one life."

Maria Trapp-The Story of the Trapp Family Singers - Ch. 12 p. 4

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

- St. Augustine

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lookey, lookey what I discovered!

As the two of you reading this should know by now, it's all Ireland, all the time at the Hayes house. If one more Ireland movie comes in our Netflix envelopes, our kids may divorce us. :) 

So, my nightly reading is a variety of Ireland books, and right now I'm reading one called An Irish Experience - Travel Tales Flowing from History, Humor & the Search for Home.  I can't say I recommend this book; the author is a little too clever for his own good sometimes and ends up being about as clear as mud in his descriptions. However, I did redeem one nugget in the last few chapters. 

The book is a travelogue of a Portlander's first trip to Ireland (you would think it would be perfect, wouldn't you?! oh well.) Towards the ends he describes a day spent in the Dunloe Gap. "What's this?" I say to myself, "that's on my itinerary to drive by. Better look it up!" 

I knew this was right along the way of our day driving from Kenmare to Dingle and it sounded really fun, so I decided to do a little research. Sounds like an experience not to be missed! I think we're going to have to do this, if time and money allow....

A pony trap ride through some of the best scenery to be had in southwest Ireland and a boat trip back down through the three Killarney lakes. Sounds like heaven! 

Let me tell you, I officially have excitement butterflies in my stomach almost everyday now. If I was one of those giggly, jump-up-and-down and scream kind of people, I'd be ridiculous by now. As it is, this blog is probably the only way my family knows I'm excited. What can I say? I am what I am. This is me jumping up and down.


  1. Oh man that looks like the most romantic of things to do! :) You guys are going to have them most wonderful times I bet! <3 you guys and miss you! :) Wish I could be there to enjoy your "giddiness" with you :)

  2. Wow! I am so excited for you guys...and a little jealous! ;-)
    Have fun!

  3. Thanks girls! I've been so busy planning the trip, that I kinda just remembered the other day that I get 3 WEEKS alone with my hubby!!!! How lucky am I?! :)

  4. And you made fun of my video of exciting Irish dancing!
    Maybe this is a way that I've had a positive influence on you!!!
